Wisdom Works® - Spiritual Formation and Moral Psychology / Chasidic Psychology / Kabbalah / etc.
(updated 5 Oct 21)
I typically teach online several times a week on a variety of topics on Zoom. I teach every Friday night and Shabbat morning (the Sabbath), simul-broadcast on Facebook and Zoom. The classes, including Shabbat, are open to all people, of any or no religious background or spiritual orientation. Please click here to be added to Ohr HaTorah's mailing list to get the most updated information. The zoom classes during the week require payment and registration. My teachings on Shabbat are open to all - no registration or payment required.
My main focuses are:
Wisdom Works® - Spiritual Formation and Moral Psychology: Spiritual Psychology, as I teach it, starts with the idea of the “Higher Self” that ought to govern the “ego-self.” The Higher Self can be relatively objective, and is the source of our values. Some of the main concerns of the Higher Self are love, justice, truth and beauty, the realm of the Holy and the Knowledge of the Divine. For the agnostics and atheists who study with me, I don’t emphasize belief in God, unless that happens to be a specific topic. I have found many agnostics and atheists to be deeply spiritual people, but who have different terms for “the Holy” – oneness with the Universe, a powerful sense of meaning and connectedness and so forth. My focus is not to preach “religion,” but rather to help people live lives of meaning, depth and virtue.
Other focuses of my teaching are Chasidic/Kabbalistic thought and psychology, moral theory, philosophy, theology and other issues.
I teach briefly on Friday nights at 7 PM PST, and then every Shabbat Morning at 9 AM PST (Zoom). At 9 AM, I recite some traditional liturgy and read from the Torah portion and Haftarah (portion from prophets). At 9:30 AM, I teach on the weekly Torah portion, focusing on the philosophic, literary and archetypal-psychological dimensions. At about 10:15 AM, we return to the traditional liturgy for the closing of Shabbat morning observance.
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